About Us.
Allan Wilson is the main mover and shaker at EM Consulting.NZ.​
He has been involved in Civil Defence in Aoteroroa New Zealand for over 30+ years both as a Volunteer and in a paid capacity.
Allan was in the British Army and did a stint with special forces before coming to NZ. He trained as a secondary teacher and taught for 20 years before taking up a position at Tai Poutini Polytechnic. In 2008 he joined Grey District Council as Emergency Management Officer, and shortly after became the West Coast Group Civil Defence Controller. Allan has been involved in just about every emergency in NZ and was invited on a lecture tour of Germany on Emergency management. He has also worked in Australia, assisting with the bush fire recovery.
These days Allan prefers a balanced lifestyle of fishing, skiing, volunteer work, test and tag and consulting.
Helen Wilson has also been involved in Civil Defence as a volunteer since 2010 and has assisted in 5 declared emergencies in NZ.
In her working life Helen is an accredited Project Manager and is also the Health and Safety Officer for her organisation.
Helen assists Allan with the paperwork and admin.
Allan's relevant education & experience
1963 - 1975
British Army
1976 - 1981
University of Canterbury
2010 - 2013
Tai Poutini Polytechnic
Emergency Management Academy of NZ (EMANZ)
Eleven and a half years with Royal Signals as a communications technician and one year with special forces
​Bachelor degree in Linguistics and English Literature, with papers in drama, philosophy and psychology.
Diploma in Applied Emergency Management, including leadership, human resource management and multiple case studies.
1981 - 2020
Volunteer Civil Defence Controller
On his arrival on the West Coast, Allan was offered the volunteer position of West Coast Civil Defence Operations Manager. In 1988 the Coast suffered two disastrous floods, which Allan helped manage. In 1989 Allan was offered the position of Controller which he held until 2020.
2008 - 2020
Professional Emergency Management Officer for
Grey District Council
Appointed as the Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer for Grey District Council. Oversaw the training of all Civil Defence personnel.
Acted as Civil Defence Controller for multiple emergency events.
Worked in Christchurch during both earthquakes as Emergency Operations Centre manager.
Worked on the Pike River Mine disaster as the Civil Defence liaison to the police.​
2017 - present
Emergency Management Consulting
Established Emergency Management Consulting in response to multiple offers of work.
Helen's relevant education & experience
1976 - 1981
University of Canterbury
​Bachelor degree in Philosophy & Religious Studies papers in literature, history and psychology.
2001 - present
Volunteer Civil Defence Manager of Logistics and Operations
Helen has been an active Civil Defence volunteer and has served in 5 declared emergencies in
cluding both Christchurch earthquakes. She also assisted the National Civil Defence effort for MCDEM in the bunker under the Beehive as daytime Operations Manager.
2006 - present
During employ,ment with Deveopment West Coast helen has attained qualifications in Economic Development, Project Management, Risk Management and Health and Safety. She is a competent contracts manager and policy writer.