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Planning and Policy

We are very well versed in writing and auditing emergency plans. Allan wrote the all hazard plans for Grey District Council. He then assisted the West Coast Regional Council and Buller District Council to do the same.


We have written numerous emergency plans for schools, including "Active Shooter on Site".

Unfortunately, a school in Greymouth had to action this plan when an adult turned up uninvited, with a firearm and threatened some students. The school immediately put the plan into action and the situation was resolved without injury. The police were very complimentary about the school's planning.


Most of our plans follow the 4 Rs principal; Reduction, Readiness, Response and Recovery. This format is used internationally but often the terminology changes. We have also written plans for hotels and motels and audited business plans.


We firmly believe that any emergency plans need to be written alongside the people who will be responsible for implementing the plan.

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